Adrenal Fatigue

by Karen Chin.

Many of us these days are constantly on the go.  We might feel stressed from financial or relationship issues. We may feel panic, or anxiety.  Or we might be finding school difficult or coming up to exam time.  All of these issues can impact our body and mind.  It can leave us feeling fearful or living in a fight or flight response.

The fight and flight response is an automatic response our body undertakes.  It is geared to help us determine what will cause us harm and what will not.  For example, walking through the bush and jumping out of the way of a snake, this response is imperative to our survival.   Sometimes though our body responds to perceived threats, for example, walking through the bush and jumping out of the way of a stick, thinking it is a snake. Either way our body responds the same way, do we stay and fight or do we run.   Living in a continued state of fight or flight responses can lead to adrenal stress or adrenal fatigue.

The purpose of the adrenal glands is to help the body cope with stresses and survive.  It is their job to enable the body to deal with stress from every possible source, ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems.  They also have important affects on the way a person thinks and feels.   Whether the adrenal glands signal attack, retreat or surrender, every cell responds accordingly and the body feels the results.  There are many symptoms of adrenal fatigue ranging from mild to severe and each person can experience them in different ways.

Kinesiology can assist with symptoms of adrenal fatigue by calming the body’s response to threat and allowing the body to return back to a calm, relaxed state.

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