What Summer is About

By Marianne Kornaat.

One of Chinese Medicine’s most ancient texts, the Huangdi Neijing, tells us to enjoy and indulge in everything that is outside of our body.  Spend time outside, hike, stroll, eat al fresco, socialise, make new friends, go out dancing and laugh loudly.  That’s what summer is about!

The Heart is the ruler of summer and its element is Fire.  The nature of Fire is to expand and grow and so this season is about growing in concentric circles out from yourself, it is through the Heart that we make connections to the world beyond ourselves.  Embrace things beyond your boundaries this season, try new things, explore, get lost and find your way home, enjoy the long days and shorts nights.  Connect your inner world with your outer world, as summer is the time for living.

The emotion of summer is Joy.  Since it is also the season of the Heart, we should take good care of our emotional-selves too, find time to laugh and be happy, laughing with friends on a picnic blanket is medicine this time of year.  You can also use this season to take care of your physical heart by reinvigorating your exercise routine, so try something new.  Ride your bicycle to work or just take a wheeled meander over the weekend.

The colour of summer is red.  Try to add some red foods to your diet, like strawberries, cherries, beets and red chard.  Watermelon is a great way to stay cool and hydrated in summer.  When hot and humid, the weather can leave you feeling like you don’t want to eat, so try a cup of cool barley or fenugreek seed tea.  Mung beans are also very cooling for our systems in the hot weather and add a little extra sea salt to your food!  Finally, don’t forget our old friend the cucumber.  Cucumber slices are a delicious, healthy and a refreshing way to dress up a glass of water and stay cool while doing it.

Nourish the Shen (emotional aspect of your Heart) through connections, friends and family.  Connect with your sense of purpose through journaling and self-exploration, connect with others in social situations and connect to the divine through meditation or prayer.  In addition, time spent in nature is the perfect way to connect with the warmth and light of the season, so go outdoors!



Image courtesy of artur84 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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