Yoga & Meditation can help Digestive Health

By Patti McBain.

Yoga and meditation can assist us to calm down as they stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system or the ‘rest and digest’ system which helps improve gut health. When we are calmer our digestive system relaxes and this supports proper digestion and elimination.  Yoga and meditation can also help us improve our awareness to better listen to our body’s needs and make wiser choices of what and when and how we eat and drink.  It helps give us the presence of mind to ask ourselves questions like - Am I hungry? Am I tired? Am I feeling emotional? Am I thirsty?  Does my body need food, rest, to stop or pause or a glass of water?  Stress, anxiety and fear generally negatively affect our gut and digestion and further prevent us from listening to our body and making choices that support our digestive health. Many imbalances of the digestive system even sound like they have an emotional component: irritable bowel, constipation, acid reflux, butterflies or nervous belly.

Some tips from the traditional yogic daily routine can support digestive health. Mostly they are common sense and simple and based on the cycles of nature.  However, usefulness of a routine may vary from person to person, according to culture, physical location, age, work and many other factors. For some people a daily regime is very healthful and supports digestion, especially if they find routine challenging, while other people can become too rigid and not listen to their body’s cues if they are imposing a regime on their body.

In general, rising early sets the tone of the day and provides time to have some healthy routines. Rushing is not gut healthy, particularly eating on the run or while engaged in other activities.  Brushing our teeth, scraping our tongue, massaging our gums, gargling and drinking warm water and lemon upon arising cleanse and prepare the digestive system for the day and are all part of the yogic daily routine.  A body massage, cleansing breaths and yoga asana also prepare the body’s digestion system for the day.  Asana are best practiced on an empty stomach.  Meditation, breathing and energy hygiene help calm and clear the mental and emotional bodies of imbalances and bring greater connection with our serene spiritual self. Breathing into the belly brings breath and energy into the digestive area.

The yoga sun salutation sequence is a great way to have a full body stretch in a short time.  Yoga poses generally compress a part of the body then when it is released oxygenated blood flushes the area. Specific poses increase blood flow to the digestive tract and stimulate peristalsis. Digestive organs need space to function and yoga poses that improve posture can help digestion in this way. For example forward bends increase the space in the abdomen and help release trapped gases. The regular practise of yoga asana can help prevent or aid healing digestive complaints. Some poses which are great for digestion include: knees to chest, spinal twists, bridge, cat/cow, child’s pose and shoulder stand. Asanas may not always be suitable for other physical conditions so it is best to consult a yoga teacher and to also work with your health practitioner for digestive problems.

Patti McBain is a yoga and meditation teacher and coach.

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