Bowen Therapy & Life Coaching

by Jenny Parker.

This time of the year has the potential to be such a joyful time with family, friends, holidays, presents and yummy food. It can be an enriching experience where we come together to share, care and express our love for each and other. During this busy period we tend to travel more, eat more, drink more and buy more than any other occasion of the year and the demands we place upon ourselves can lead to a stressful state of being where we don’t get to enjoy ourselves as much as we possibly could. Holiday stress has become as much a tradition as the Christmas turkey and we become victims to the season’s high expectations. This also means a bigger impact on our health and well being more than any other time of the year.

Before the festive season kicks in, it can be helpful to review what works for you and what doesn’t, discerning what activities you choose to engage in so you aren’t running from pillar to post trying to live up to the season’s tall orders. Helping you to let go of the inherited traditions that no longer fit into your present life and learning how to say ‘no’ to all the ‘should’ and ‘ must do’s’ and unnecessary demands, including party invitations that don’t appeal to you and a gift list that could clean out a shopping mall.

The key to this review process is to embrace the new, decide what matters most to you and plan how you spend your time, not just doing something because that’s the way it’s always been done.  Remembering that it’s a time for gratitude and giving, but not from trying to please others, or because we feel that we ‘should’, rather choosing wisely and discerningly from our heart’s knowing, how to spend our time and energy.

Reflect on what you most cherish, whether it is to send Christmas cards, seeing family and friends, giving back by perhaps working with a charitable organisation to help others to enjoy the festive season, or relaxing. Say ‘no’ to expectations and demands which may have past their used by date and choose instead to embrace this time in a new way that creates more harmony both within and without.

Getting ourselves in the best shape possible prior to this season helps to ensure that we enjoy the holiday season just like we did when we were kids, where the holidays were magical, carefree and times to be savoured.

Life Coaching can assist you with this review process and Bowen therapy is the perfect bodywork for de-stressing before, during and after. Or perhaps you might like to book in for a Bowen/Coaching combo session and work on mind and body together - now how’s that for time management!


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