Christmas Spirit Essential Oil

Christmas Spirit taps into the joy, peace, happiness and security associated with the holiday season, a purifying blend of evergreen, citrus and spice. With Christmas Spirit on hand, all you have to do to begin spreading good cheer is open a bottle and start diffusing.

Ingredients: Orange, Cinnamon Bark & Spruce.

• Orange Essential Oil is elevating to the mind and body, bringing security, joy and peace. A 1995 Mie University study documented the ability of citrus fragrances to combat depression and boost immunity. It enhances vitamin absorption.

• Spruce Essential Oil helps the respiratory and nervous systems, it is anti-infectious, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.  Its aromatic influences help to open and release emotional blocks, bringing about a feeling of balance and grounding. Traditionally, spruce oil was believed to possess the frequency of prosperity. This oil brings memories of Christmas Trees and makes the whole house feel more like a home during the holidays

• Cinnamon Bark – Emperors of China & India measured their wealth partly by the amount of cinnamon they possessed and traditionally, it was thought to have a frequency that attracted wealth and abundance. It is highly antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial. It brings back memories of home cooked food and the holidays.

Ways to use Christmas Spirit oil:

*Please know these uses are for Young Living Christmas Spirit oil only.

1. Put two drops on a wet cloth and put in clothes dryer.

2. Put 4-8 drops on a cotton balls or tissues and put in or on vents.

3. Add to cedar chips for dresser drawers.

4. Splash a few drops on your paper vacuum cleaner bag for an uplifting and happy feeling while cleaning the house.


*NOTE: Not all essential oil is the same! Please be aware that when you buy essential oil at spas, health food stores and even online, most are not therapeutic grade - Young Living essential oil is.

Essential Oils Pocket Reference, fifth edition, by Life Science Publishing

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