Tune Up for the Summer & Festive Season

By Naturopath Kim Minos.

As we approach summer and the New Year, and possible holidays for some, we can ponder on what we can do for ourselves, for our health and wellbeing and to make the most of this time. There are a number of ways we can spark up our energy and get ourselves ready for the holidays and any up and coming celebrations. Creating some balance in what we eat can make a big difference to how we feel. If we know we are going to be out socialising and eating large meals at lunch or dinner we can balance this by eating light fresh fruits for breakfast the morning before or freshly made vegetable juices the day after eating large amounts of rich foods at night.

A short cleanse process is something that can make a huge difference to how we feel and this does not have to be a long process. Drinking freshly made vegetable juices for two or three days early in December can help do wonders to help our body if we are going to be indulging in heavier foods later in the month. 

In our body we have filters that need regular cleaning to work effectively; our liver, kidneys, lungs, digestion and skin. These organs do a lot of work, from filtering wastes out of our body, assimilating nutrients, synthesising hormones and much more. If we are not filtering wastes effectively then we have changes to the chemistry of our body, we become sluggish, our energy levels drop, we can feel more stressed, lethargic, more prone to headaches, have foggy thinking, unrestful sleep, agitation, bloating and a loss of stamina.

A short cleanse with juices and unprocessed foods, lots of clean fresh water, unrefined alkaline forming foods and some herbs in a well, structured cleansing process can have profound effects on a sluggish system even for just a few days. This process does not have to be complicated or difficult it is more just common sense, healthy eating in a well-designed way. It is something we can fit into our lives for a few days or a week. Our bodies have a remarkable capacity to repair themselves if we allow them to do so. The first thing to do to regain health is to stop or minimise doing the things that cause harm or ill health in the first place.

Some of the habits we indulge in our daily life that we think are our treats are often the very things that contribute to a gradual decline in our health over a period of time.  For instance, that daily cup of coffee, so often when someone takes coffee out of their diet along with re-introducing fresh healthy food choices, they just begin to feel better. Coffee interferes with the ability of the liver to detoxify and it blocks the absorption of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the healthy function of our nervous system. It stimulates adrenaline, often when the last thing that is needed is more stimulation, because the body is tired, toxic and exhausted many people use coffee to keep going when they are already feeling flat and without vitality.

Cleaning and rejuvenating your body for a few days or longer can have a profound effect on how you feel. Many of my patients find that when they do this, their other symptoms begin to reduce or disappear, such as anxiety, headaches, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, stress, foggy head and inability to concentrate, muscle aches and pains, bloating, reflux and indigestion. Weight falls off more easily after a cleansing process because the body is able to safely release toxins that have previously been held in fat cells. When our body is able to effectively deal with toxins, the fat begins to go more easily and when we detoxify, we assimilate our nutrients more effectively.

The underlying cause of many disease states is simply congestion, the body not filtering wastes and toxins out of the body. In many cases, when these are cleared up our body is able to effectively begin the process of repairing itself. Our bodies are amazing things, they know how to do this for themselves, we do not have to think about it, rather just give our bodies the nutrients they need, the right environment and conditions and repair will begin to happen.

I hope you enjoy your upcoming season and wish you the best in health.

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