The Key to Health

By Marianne Kornaat.

In my previous article I talked about how the Chinese relate each season to a particular organ. This theory has a great influence on our health. If we are in harmony with our environment and within ourselves, we would feel a lot happier, healthier and connected. When we understand this we feel safe and feeling safe and connected is the beginning of optimal health.

Harmony and balance in every aspect of life is the key to health. This is illustrated in the Taoist concept of yin and yang, represented by the tai ji or yin yang symbol.

At first glance, the two seem to be dualistic, yet they are interdependent; as one becomes more prominent, the other decreases. Within each is a seed of the other; the two emerge into and out of each other.

In situations where disharmony is manifested, the primary goal of acupuncture is to restore balance by manipulating the multiple forms of the body’s qi using acupuncture needles.

The acupuncturist job is to recommend health promotion and recognize that disease prevention requires harmony, balance, and moderation in diet, exercise, work-play, relationships, rest/sleep. In order to protect from external causes of disease, the host must be strong, fortified, and resilient – all of which results from harmonious and mindful living.

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