Aroma Life Essential Oil

Aroma Life supports us in reducing stress and opening the heart chakra, releases sorrow and grief, and helps us embrace joy, love peace and gratitude.  It also assists in the release of feeling alone and not supported and it has a calming effect on the mind.

Ingredients: Cypress, Marjoram, Helichrysum & Ylang Ylang.

• Cypress Essential Oil was used for centuries to alleviate occasional discomforts associated with women's menstrual cycle. It also supports the digestive system and can sooth muscles.

• Marjoram Essential Oil relaxes tense muscles after exercise, and is supportive of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.  It is beneficial for occasional simple nervous tension.

• Helichrysum Essential Oil known for its restorative properties and provides excellent support to the skin, liver, and nervous system.  Use for combating minor aches and pains associated with everyday life.

• Ylang Ylang Essential Oil has a long history in skin and hair care products, particularly in Asia, where it is used to promote luxuriant hair.  It also restores confidence and equilibrium.

Way to use Aroma Life oil:

*Please know this use is for Young Living Aroma Life oil only.

1. Apply 4 drops on the heart or abdomen.


*NOTE: Not all essential oil is the same! Please be aware that when you buy essential oil at spas, health food stores and even online, most are not therapeutic grade - Young Living essential oil is.

Essential Oils Pocket Reference, fifth edition, by Life Science Publishing

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